An interview with Simon Trbojevic, LightLab Sweden
The recent pandemic has spawned huge interest in PureFize. Companies have started realizing the scientific and engineering potentials of applying PureFize for hygiene improvement and many other applications, such as water purification and food safety.
But how can you turn an idea into a real-life product? Meet Simon Trbojevic, Product Manager Hygiene & Disinfection Solutions at LightLab Sweden.
A scalable and easy-to-customize platform
“When customers come to us, they often have difficulty formulating what they want, but they see potential in our technology,” says Simon Trbojevic. “The PureFize® platform is extremely scalable with many opportunities for customization, but you need to understand how UV disinfection works to develop an effective, safe, and reliable product that meets all necessary market requirements.”
Investigating possible integration
“We have a wide range of services within design and development to help our customers. Usually, we start with producing a concept proposal, including design sketches that show how different possible integrations of PureFize might done. Once we find the way in which the customer wants to proceed, we formulate a requirement specification that clearly states how the product should work.
Disinfection Design Simulation – unique for PureFize
“The next step involves Disinfection Design Simulation (DDS). This unique simulations service saves time and money in the development as it determines how much irradiation that is needed to get the desired germicidal effect, how many light sources are needed, and their optimal placement. Often, we can suggest other changes that could provide a more effective product, such as better material choices or smart integrations”, continues Simon.
Designing a functional prototype
The PureFize platform can be adapted and customized by combining hardware and software with electrical and mechanical components according to each customer’s needs. Once the DDS has helped define the optimal solution, we can build a prototype for performance and/or market testing.
“When we build a prototype, it always includes some kind of inbuilt intelligence and user interaction,” says Simon. “It might be that you can press a button to start the purification process, and receive information that the cycle in currently running or completed. A prototype like this can easily be showcased for internal or external stakeholders and help the customer team to get feedback and additional thoughts and ideas.”
PureFize – outstanding for integration
Simon Trbojevic believes that the PureFize has excellent potential and presents significant market opportunities for customers seeking compact, effective, and environmentally friendly disinfection solutions.
“The PureFize platform is outstanding from an integration point of view, and DDS considerably shortens product development times as the design can be modified immediately in the 3D CAD system”, he says. “For every customer project we are exploring possible application areas, and new creative ideas are spawning all the time. The key to innovative solutions is listening to our customers and keeping an open mind.”