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PureFize Development kits available

Great news for everyone interested in a highly efficient, mercury-free UV disinfection technology ready to be integrated into your chosen design! PureFize® UV light sources are now available as development kits.

In the new age of pandemic exposure, the importance of keeping things clean has increased exponentially all over the world. The demand for easy-to-use and efficient disinfection products is booming.

PureFize® UV disinfection technology has been shown to eradicate 99.9 percent (log 3) of all bacteria after only two minutes and 99.9999 percent (log 6) after four minutes. The extremely high germidical effect means practically all germs are eradicated which prevents any regrowth.

We are now happy to announce that we are releasing the first development kits for PureFize. The kits will contain our UV chip light source and driver.

Discover how to add efficient, environmentally safe and easy to integrate UV disinfection functionality to your products, at low cost and fast time to market.